Many of us feel our civilization is in a tough place. Many are struggling to find hope.
All over the globe people have chosen to be leaders in their communities by hosting conversations about a Golden Civilization—their vision for the future and how to create it now. It’s time to join together as human beings and create the world we wish to live in.
If you are with me, please check out Fiduciary In All Things, a new legislative movement created to support humanity by placing a Fiduciary Standard of Obligation over every existing institution, corporation or non-profit. Click here to learn more and share.
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george kinder’s
a golden civilization & the map of mindfulness
George Kinder invites readers to imagine a thousand generations have passed and humanity has at last accomplished a Golden Civilization. What does it look like? Who are we there? Of all our systems and structures currently in place which of them got us there? And which of them were irretrievably heading in the wrong direction? He challenges readers to immediately abandon habits, structures, and systems that won’t take us to a Golden Civilization and adopt those that will.
View the map below to see where conversations are happening!
Golden Civilization conversations are happening all over the world! Planning to host one? Let us know when and where! We’d love to get you on the map.
Golden Civilization Toolkit
The Philosophy
The Golden Civilization movement aims to improve civilization through conversation and collaboration.
Sign the Petition
Visit to sign our petition calling all World Leaders to bring about a Golden Civilization within a Generation
A Legislative Approach
George Kinder proposes a single sentence added to our laws.
Host a Conversation
Ready to become a leader in your community?