Golden Civilization Conversation: George Kinder and Louis Vollebregt

Louis Vollebregt joins George Kinder on Facebook Live to discuss the Golden Civilization Conversation movement, which they have both been leading on a global scale.

They discuss their collaborative work in Life Planning and the early development of the Golden Civilization Conversations. George credits Louis for being the first person to encourage George to apply the EVOKE® Life Planning process with civilization, and recalls him saying, “George, why don’t you life plan civilization. It works so well with people. Why don’t you do it with civilization?” As a grandparent Louis feels the importance of delivering a “A Golden Civilization” so his grandchildren can thrive. The two recount the Golden Civilization Conversations they have experienced and the elements visions all share, including freedom, resource abundance, safety, a sense of belonging, and kindness.

Louis is a Registered Life Planner® at Means in Progress, based in the Netherlands. He is lead trainer for the Kinder Institute of Life Planning for the EVOKE process, and has been conducting this work for 10 years. He and his wife Anita lead trainings in both English and Dutch.

Please read more about Louis here: