Golden Civilization Conversation: George Kinder and George Barbov

George Kinder met George Barbov at a Life Planning Talk and Golden Civilization Conversation at Coventry University in England, where Professor Lien Luu has been leading the world’s Universities in Life Planning and A Golden Civilization.

Listen to their reflection of the Golden Civilization Conversation that occurred at Coventry University and the process the group went through when they formed their collective vision for a Golden Civilization. George speaks about his homeland of Bulgaria and his own love of traveling, and how it has led him to realize that no matter people’s background and environment, most people share the same view for A Golden Civilization and would be willing to spread the world.

George has a background in both analytical and commercial professional roles and just graduated from Coventry University with a first class honors degree in Finance and Investment. Prior returning to school, George was a Credit Consultant in the Commercial Banking industry at UniCredit Group and a Financial Analyst at Volvo Financial Services. His specialties include financial regulation, investments, portfolio management, and taxation.

You can read more about George here: