
Learn to Fly

George Kinder was interviewed by Rachel Day for her podcast, Learn to Fly, which interviews adults about their childhood memories of learning to fly in the hopes of helping parents teach their children to learn to fly. Rachel is one of the organizers and presenters for the Wisdom conference that occurred earlier this month. George reminisces about his rural childhood and memories he has of experiencing freedom that were foundational in his life spent helping others achieve freedom.

George Kinder on Sidewalk Talk Podcast

George was a guest on the Sidewalk Talk Podcast, where he was interviewed by Traci Ruble, therapist and founder of Sidewalk Talk, a global movement where community members volunteer to listen to strangers on the street. In his interview, George elaborates on the link between life planning, mindfulness, and a Golden Civilization.

Podcast: George Returns for Second Episode of The Next Frontier with Bill Coppel

George returned to The Next Frontier podcast with Bill Coppel, of First Clearing, LLC, on December 3 to speak about A Golden Civilization and the Map of Mindfulness. He and Bill discussed life planning, mindfulness, and the Golden Civilization Conversations.