Golden Civilization Conversation: George Kinder and Hubrien Meijaard

Most recently, from the Netherlands and wintry New England, George was joined by Hubrien Meijaard on Facebook Live for an engaging conversation.

Watch this video for a great conversation about life planning and the benefits to clients with this model. Hubrien brings up his specialty of Impact Investing and he and George discuss Mindfulness and A Golden Civilization.

Hubrien Meijaard, FFP, CFP®, RLP® has been a recognized financial advisor for more than 25 years. He specializes in sustainable, impact investing. In addition to being an adviser and planner, Hubrien is a guest teacher and trainer of guest teachers at Stichting LEF. LEF Foundation gives lessons with volunteers at schools in the Netherlands about financial awareness and self-reliance among young people.

You can read more about Hubrien here: