Golden Civilization Conversation: Julian Powe and George Kinder

George and Julian Powe, leader of the longest recurring Golden Civilization Conversation, based in Primrose Hill, came together for a live conversation about Julian’s involvement with the Golden Civilization movement.

Julian has been facilitating a strong and active Golden Civilization Conversation group in London for the past year and a half, where his leadership and deep wisdom has made this group a model for conversations happening everywhere. Julian shares his thoughts on how the group has been able to continue for so long, citing the diverse backgrounds of the roughly 30 group members, the deepening of existing friendships and the development of new friendships within the group, and the general feelings of the group. The group is committed to providing mutual support, uniting around and being inspired by a strong sense of purpose, and fostering a space of creativity and respect for new ideas. They stress the apolitical-ness of Golden Civilization Conversations and how once people are freed from these constraints, they tend to take bigger risks.

Julian is a global consultant, trainer, and facilitator with an extraordinary interest in, an understanding of, conversation. He uses training he has learned from the Kinder Institute in his practice in change management and leadership consulting.

You can find out more about Julian here.