Golden Civilization Conversation

Golden Civilization Conversation: Stuart Zimmerman and George Kinder

This week George and Stuart Zimmerman, wealth advisor, cofounder of Buckingham Strategic Partners, and Executive in Residence of the Olin School of Business at Washington University in St Louis come together to have a Golden Civilization Conversation. Read about and listen to their discussion here.

Golden Civilization Conversation: Julian Powe and George Kinder

George and Julian Powe, leader of the longest recurring Golden Civilization Conversation, based in Primrose Hill, came together for a live conversation about Julian’s involvement with the Golden Civilization movement.

Golden Civilization Conversation: Traci Ruble and George Kinder

Yesterday, George was joined by Traci Ruble of Sidewalk Talk for a Golden Civilization Conversation via Facebook Live, the first in his second season of conversations via Facebook Live. Listen to their conversation about active listening, mindfulness, and how their organizations are changing communities around the world.

Golden Civilization Conversations Continue in Hong Kong

Michael Au, Managing Director at District Capital, attended George’s Golden Civilization Conversation in Hong Kong last August and has since facilitated a few of his own Conversations, the most recent of which at an event hosted by Dream Impact in Hong Kong. He shares his experience below in a guest blog:

I was invited by a friend, a renowned Hong Kong-based impact investor, to hear George Kinder talk in Hong Kong. I was not aware of George's work prior to attending but was told to expect a methodology to create and foster meaningful dialogue and positive activism in a community. At the time of George's talk, we were just witnessing the very beginning of the protests triggered by the government's Extradition Bill, the city's citizens felt powerless against a government who seemed to be deaf towards the people's concerns, and in the months that followed, that feeling of powerlessness eventually escalated into fear, revolt, and physical violence. 

I have been using the Golden Civilization Conversation methodology in various configurations throughout these months to empower a range of our society's stakeholders to re-engage with their communities in these times which feel increasingly violent and hopeless. Earlier in January, I was asked to lead a session at an inaugural gathering for social entrepreneurs, impact investors, NGO staff, and other purpose-driven community actors hosted by Dream Impact, a Hong Kong impact business incubator. My topic for discussion was on finding common goals across organizations. The Golden Civilization Conversation methodology came immediately to mind as a way to engage a group of strangers to think and reflect deeply in a collaborative fashion. Similar to the outcomes of many conversations I have hosted, priorities in the Vision exercise were equalityrespectopportunity, and trust. As I was only allocated 30 minutes to conduct this session, we had a highly condensed version of the conversation, but I was pleased to hear that when tasked with defining personal action, one-third of the participants decided to host their own gatherings and Conversations as they personally witnessed the power of the exercise. 

As our city continues to wrestle with unrest and now compounded by the viral outbreak, I believe that continuing to advocate for the conducting of GCC-powered gatherings will help us cross the bridge between hopelessness to personal action to rebuilding our community ties with a renewed focus on well-being and equality.  

You can read more about Dream Impact on their LinkedIn page:

View Michael’s post on LinkedIn:

Michael Au presents the Golden Civilization Methodology at the Dream Impact event in Hong Kong.

Michael Au presents the Golden Civilization Methodology at the Dream Impact event in Hong Kong.

Click through for more general photos of the event shared via LinkedIn

Golden Civilization Conversation: George Kinder at Matsunaga Institute

As a part of his world tour for his book, A Golden Civilization and the Map of Mindfulness, George visited The University of Hawaii at Mānoa and gave several talks there to differing audiences. On Thursday afternoon, George delivered his Keynote, Life Planning, Mindfulness, and A Golden Civilization at a Chai Time event at the historic East-West Center, sponsored by the Matsunaga Institute for Peace and Conflict Resolution.

With over 35 people in the room, George spoke about his life planning work and how the changing world around him led him to life plan civilization. He then facilitated a Golden Civilization Conversation. The group discussed their vision for A Golden Civilization and felt committed to action steps they suggested during the conversation.

George also spoke at the Shidler College of Business to assembled faculty, students, and staff, followed by a break-out Golden Civilization Conversation. His final event was a private client event for 3D Wealth Advisors, where he facilitated a breakout Golden Civilization Conversation as well.

Don’t forget to tag @AGoldenCivilization or @George_Kinder when posting photos of any events. We loved seeing this post from the Matsunaga Institute.


A Golden Civilization Conversation for Those Over 75

Last week, in a local bookstore in Tempe, Arizona, Mary Zimmerman hosted a public Golden Civilization Conversation for her local community, asking that her friends, especially those over 75 years of age, come together for a heartfelt discussion about their vision of a Golden Civilization.

Mary, having worked closely with George, has read A Golden Civilization and the Map of Mindfulness, and already participated in two Golden Civilization Conversations, one in Irvine, California, and the other in Laguna Beach.  She has hosted a Golden Civilization Conversation with a diverse audience in central Phoenix and one informally with four generations of her family in Austin, TX.  She was inspired how each achieved stimulating, apolitical conversation.

Inspired by her sister, who would have been 75 this year, Mary wanted to gather an insightful group with some real life experience (those at least 75) to hear their great wisdom, insight, and perspective.

The resulting group shared a non-judgmental participatory conversation about what they did for fun growing up (and where), what they wanted from a Golden Civilization, one thing from the past they wanted to bring forward, and their action step to live into their shared vision for a Golden Civilization.

George Kinder Returns to Coventry University for Golden Civilization Conversation

George Kinder was invited back to Coventry University by the Investment Society to deliver his keynote speech, “Life Planning, Mindfulness, and a Golden Civilization,” and to lead a Golden Civilization Conversation break out session.

The energy in the room was infectious as the gathered group of students, faculty, and friends contributed to a conversation of what a Golden Civilization would look like. They then identified the obstacles and the action steps to which they could all commit in an effort to move toward this collaborative vision within a generation.

No doubt related to the palpable inspiration felt in the group, after the session ended, eight attendees expressed interest in helping to continue the conversation over the coming months. As a way to hold each other accountable toward living their vision for a better world, groups that continue to meet are able to move forward in the areas where the group feels most passionate. The Kinder Institute team has already reached out with resources, and both Julian Powe and Adam Wells, who both lead continuing conversations in the UK have offered their help as well.

We look forward to hearing about where this group will decide to apply their vigor in the coming months, stay tuned!

A Golden Civilization Returns to St. Louis

George Kinder returned to St. Louis to deliver a keynote address at The BAM Alliance National Conference on Tuesday, October 22. While in the city, he facilitated three Golden Civilization Conversations for groups at Peace UCC St. Louis, Washington University, and a NAPFA Study Group. Here are the results of his conversation with financial planners from the NAPFA Study Group.
