financial advice

Golden Civilization Conversation: Stuart Zimmerman and George Kinder

This week George and Stuart Zimmerman, wealth advisor, cofounder of Buckingham Strategic Partners, and Executive in Residence of the Olin School of Business at Washington University in St Louis come together to have a Golden Civilization Conversation. Read about and listen to their discussion here.

Mindful Engagement 2020: Meet the Instructors - George Kinder

Mindful Engagement 2020 Instructor George Kinder is a Buddhist teacher and author. George Kinder has led multiple annual week and day-long Buddhist meditation retreats since 1988 and has small sanghas in London, Maui, and Boston. His six books each relate to mindfulness practice, including three on money, one on meditation (Transforming Suffering into Wisdom), and an illuminated manuscript of photography and poetry. This post provides resources to better understand George’s unique perspectives in advance of the first Mindful Engagement Call on February 24.

A Golden Civilization Returns to St. Louis

George Kinder returned to St. Louis to deliver a keynote address at The BAM Alliance National Conference on Tuesday, October 22. While in the city, he facilitated three Golden Civilization Conversations for groups at Peace UCC St. Louis, Washington University, and a NAPFA Study Group. Here are the results of his conversation with financial planners from the NAPFA Study Group.
